Please note: Deposits in EUR are possible only from the banks of the European Union countries.
We accept EUR transfers only via SEPA. Other methods, such as SWIFT, TARGET, etc. are not supported.

Bank transfer transactions are processed within 1-3 business days, in case of rejection of the transaction, your funds will be returned within 14 days.
To make a SEPA deposit, please follow the simple steps:

  1. Go to the Balances page;
  2. Click on Deposit;
  3. Select the wallet and the EUR Currency, and click "Next";

  4. In the next step please choose the "Bank transfer" payment method. You will see the credentials to which you can send a bank transfer:

  5. Make sure you provided the Reference number. Otherwise, your funds may be lost.

Done! The funds will be credited to your balance within 1-3 business days.

*Please note: You can make a deposit from your personal bank account in which the name and surname of the owner match the name and surname in your Cryptology account. In case of a mismatch, the transaction can be returned to the bank account owner.